MMC is proud to announce the completion of their guide on the reuse of former lumber mill sites, funded in part by the Sierra Nevada Conservancy. The completion of this guide is one phase of a larger effort to reuse the Robber’s Creek Mill Site Project located adjacent to Westwood, CA in Lassen County.
Project background: The Mountain Meadows Conservancy (“MMC”) launched the Robber’s Creek Mill Site Project in the fall of 2007 in response to feedback from the community that the site is an important center for recreation and possible industry. In the spring of 2008, the Sierra Nevada Conservancy (“SNC”) awarded MMC a grant to work on the first phase of this project. MMC has taken what it has learned from their own research and has drafted this guide to benefit former lumber mill sites throughout California. This project would not have been made possible without the Sierra Nevada Conservancy’s support through Proposition 84 funds.
Additional Resources:
Maps: Google Maps and Google Earth are two free resources available online and can be great tools for a reuse project. Be sure to read their Terms of Use.